Airdrie: St Columba’s
- Airdrie: St Columba’s
- Airdrie St. Columbas Parish Church
Airdrie St. Columbas Parish Church
St Columba’s is developing the use of its building, ensuring that all users ‘buy into’ our eco-congregation & fairtrade status.
Girls’ Brigade, Baby & Toddlers, Scouts, and a singing group, Souls & Singers, as well as Slimming World and Lost in Music meet weekly.
Rev Margaret Currie
52 Kennedy Drive
Tel: 01236 763173
Worship Times
Sunday Mornings | 11.30 a.m. |
Evening Service 1st Sunday of the month | 6.30 p.m. |
Shorter Order Communion | 10.45 a.m. last Sunday of the month |
The Church of Scotland Presbytery of Hamilton is a charity registered in Scotland No: SC048680.